3 research outputs found

    Implementación de algoritmo genético para la detección de anormalidades en la superficie vial

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    Dentro de los retos a los que se enfrentan las Ciudades Inteligentes es el satisfacer la necesidad de los servicios públicos, tales como el mantenimiento de áreas públicas, la seguridad, el transporte y la infraestructura vial. Sin embargo, el aumento cotidiano del uso de las carreteras y las medidas viales tomadas para mantener el control, la civilidad y la seguridad de los ciudadanos son factores principales en el surgimiento de anormalidades sobre la superficie vial. Las anormalidades sobre la superficie vial son un peligro constante, debido a que en ocasiones son participes de accidentes e inclusive colaboran en el incremento de la contaminación ambiental. La creación de rutas viales inteligentes, mediante el monitoreo de la superficie de la carretera, puede llegar a tener un gran impacto sobre la sociedad al ofrecer, a los conductores, información sobre la calidad del camino que transita, y de ésta manera puedan tomar una decisión consciente. Por lo anterior, en esta investigación se realizará la simulación artificial del comportamiento de un vehículo bajo condiciones controladas, obtenidas de la caracterización automática de la superficie de las carreteras (detección de topes) utilizando hardware de Internet de las Cosas (IoT, por sus siglas en inglés) y técnicas de inteligencia artificial (AI, por sus siglas en inglés), y el establecimiento del consumo de combustible al pasar por los reductores de velocidad (topes). Dicha simulación evalúa las rutas viales inteligentes que permiten una reducción de combustible

    “Texting & Driving” Detection Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks

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    The effects of distracted driving are one of the main causes of deaths and injuries on U.S. roads. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), among the different types of distractions, the use of cellphones is highly related to car accidents, commonly known as “texting and driving”, with around 481,000 drivers distracted by their cellphones while driving, about 3450 people killed and 391,000 injured in car accidents involving distracted drivers in 2016 alone. Therefore, in this research, a novel methodology to detect distracted drivers using their cellphone is proposed. For this, a ceiling mounted wide angle camera coupled to a deep learning–convolutional neural network (CNN) are implemented to detect such distracted drivers. The CNN is constructed by the Inception V3 deep neural network, being trained to detect “texting and driving” subjects. The final CNN was trained and validated on a dataset of 85,401 images, achieving an area under the curve (AUC) of 0.891 in the training set, an AUC of 0.86 on a blind test and a sensitivity value of 0.97 on the blind test. In this research, for the first time, a CNN is used to detect the problem of texting and driving, achieving a significant performance. The proposed methodology can be incorporated into a smart infotainment car, thus helping raise drivers’ awareness of their driving habits and associated risks, thus helping to reduce careless driving and promoting safe driving practices to reduce the accident rate.The effects of distracted driving are one of the main causes of deaths and injuries on U.S. roads. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), among the different types of distractions, the use of cellphones is highly related to car accidents, commonly known as “texting and driving”, with around 481,000 drivers distracted by their cellphones while driving, about 3450 people killed and 391,000 injured in car accidents involving distracted drivers in 2016 alone. Therefore, in this research, a novel methodology to detect distracted drivers using their cellphone is proposed. For this, a ceiling mounted wide angle camera coupled to a deep learning–convolutional neural network (CNN) are implemented to detect such distracted drivers. The CNN is constructed by the Inception V3 deep neural network, being trained to detect “texting and driving” subjects. The final CNN was trained and validated on a dataset of 85,401 images, achieving an area under the curve (AUC) of 0.891 in the training set, an AUC of 0.86 on a blind test and a sensitivity value of 0.97 on the blind test. In this research, for the first time, a CNN is used to detect the problem of texting and driving, achieving a significant performance. The proposed methodology can be incorporated into a smart infotainment car, thus helping raise drivers’ awareness of their driving habits and associated risks, thus helping to reduce careless driving and promoting safe driving practices to reduce the accident rate

    “Texting & Driving” Detection Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks

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    The effects of distracted driving are one of the main causes of deaths and injuries on U.S. roads. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), among the different types of distractions, the use of cellphones is highly related to car accidents, commonly known as “texting and driving”, with around 481,000 drivers distracted by their cellphones while driving, about 3450 people killed and 391,000 injured in car accidents involving distracted drivers in 2016 alone. Therefore, in this research, a novel methodology to detect distracted drivers using their cellphone is proposed. For this, a ceiling mounted wide angle camera coupled to a deep learning–convolutional neural network (CNN) are implemented to detect such distracted drivers. The CNN is constructed by the Inception V3 deep neural network, being trained to detect “texting and driving” subjects. The final CNN was trained and validated on a dataset of 85,401 images, achieving an area under the curve (AUC) of 0.891 in the training set, an AUC of 0.86 on a blind test and a sensitivity value of 0.97 on the blind test. In this research, for the first time, a CNN is used to detect the problem of texting and driving, achieving a significant performance. The proposed methodology can be incorporated into a smart infotainment car, thus helping raise drivers’ awareness of their driving habits and associated risks, thus helping to reduce careless driving and promoting safe driving practices to reduce the accident rate